Sunlight and Earthing: A Powerful Duo for Your Health
I genuinely want you to read this blog with your bare feet on grass in the early morning sunlight. You will simultaneously experience what you’re reading about

As you take off your shoes and socks and start walking on the grass, all of a sudden the feeling of warm, ease, tingling and pleasant sensation is occurring due to Earthing.
Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with Earth’s natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain and stress, improves blood flow.

Whether you believe or even understand the science behind it or not, you might like the general idea of reconnecting with the earth and nature.
The Science Behind It
Our world is full of electromagnetic fields, which means that many of us have an excessive amount of positive electrons (free radicals) building up in our bodies every day.
The build-up of these electrons eventually leads to:
. Deterioration of our cells
. Accelerated aging
. Increase inflammation
. Chronic diseases.
. Increase stress and anxiety
. Imbalance hormonal symptoms
The sacred Earth is a limitless source of negative electrons. Therefore, every time we are in direct contact with the ground, the Earth’s electrons are transferred to us, which neutralises the impact of the positive electrons in our body. This electron exchange induces physiological changes that promote optimum health and lots of benefits for our health and wellbeing.
We all know that nature, in its eternal existence, has provide us countless benefits beyond our imagination. We absorb its numerous benefits without even expressing our gratitude.
The Sun: charges, warms, illuminates, nourishes
The Moon: manifests, rebirths, clears, enhance intuition
The Ocean: cleanses, refreshes, releases
The Ground: balances, connects, stabilizes
Exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in the body. It’s needed for health, similarly exposure to the ground provides an electrical “nutrient” in the form of electrons.
Simplest Way To Be Earthed
- Walking barefoot on a daily basis on the sand, soil, rock, sea. Remember walking on marble/concrete flooring doesn’t work
- Swim in the ocean, ponds or lakes
- Lean up against a Tree
- Lying on the ground
A Glimpse into History
I’m sure that many of us have heard that our ancestors were less likely to frequently falling ill or developing cancer and neurological/psychological conditions mainly because they had a stronger connection to the Earth and its natural energy compared to us.
The disconnect from Earth has made us more vulnerable to illness and stress, we’re more often concerned about protecting ourselves from making direct contact with the Earth like shoes, tall buildings, marble flooring etc.
Every living thing that ever existed on this planet including plants, animals or human being draws energy from the earth through its roots, paws or feet.
Being Earthed is the natural state of living systems throughout the history, It’s the separation of earth that is unnatural.
— so maybe we should reconnect with the Earth too?